Copyright 1999 - The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church
in North America, Inc.SM
Complaints deemed as possible criminal acts such as those of individuals who after being notified and especially those who have had pages shut down for such violations and open new pages and sites with the materials and claims using our service mark and/or copyrighted materials will be turned over to the F.B.I. if so advised by the Church attorney and/or synod. The corporate name of the Church as incorporated on Feb. 1, 1928 is our service mark. We have publicly shown this claim by the use of "sm" below our name and logo as required by the trademark office. Unauthorized use of our service mark shall be handled in any and all ways open to us including complaints to the Attorney General of the state where the group illegally using our name is located, to the F.B.I. since criminal Copyright violations, as well as Trade/Service Mark violations may be deemed criminal, as well as by civil legal action against the offenders and any and all remedies available to us will be considered by our attorney. The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America, Inc. [sm] herewith notifies all individuals and Churches using our name, Church documents, like the charter and constitution, and other materials (property) protected by our copyright including a book we prepared and our webpages that our copyright notice appears on are all the property of this Church and demand these individuals and groups cease and desist from the illegal unauthorized use of our property and name. If they are not under The North American Holy Synod [sm] of this Church they have no right to our name and documents and the matter will be turned over to the Church attorney. This is the original Corporate Church and not an independent group claiming our name. Those groups are committing fraud and misrepresentation by claiming to be us and using our name when in fact they are not associated with this Church. |
Fraud |
False information |
Corporate |